Domestic Abuse and Divorce

Barker Son & Isherwood LLP


Phone 01264 353411


Domestic abuse is a difficult subject to discuss and can take many different forms. When people use the term domestic abuse, many people think about violent behaviour and being beaten or hit. However, abuse can be less obvious than that, with mental abuse in a relationship now being recognised as abuse. If your spouse makes you feel worthless, withholds money from you or restricts your choices and freedom, this is still abuse.

Whether you are facing physical violence, sexual or mental abuse they all still add up to the same thing – domestic abuse.

So how can you get help? As a starting point, there are many national charities that can help you and give you immediate advice on how to get out of your current situation. They can help with emergency housing for you and your children and offer you advice on your next steps. Equally, if you feel able to go to the police, they can refer you to these organisations.

In Andover, we are fortunate to have the facility provided by the Finding Freedom From Abuse which can assist with precisely these issues. Jennifer Peebles who leads the Family Team at Barker Son & Isherwood LLP can give you further information.

You may decide to take out an injunction or non-molestation order after the violence has taken place and a specialist family law solicitor can help you do this. It is essential to try to get legal representation so that you can effectively get the orders in place and not feel completely unprepared or unrepresented in court, particularly if the threat to you and your children is continuing.

Call and speak to our experienced team regarding these issues and how we can help. You can call Jennifer Peebles on 01264 325823 or email"> for more advice and assistance.

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